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Tra Waters (Family In Need of Help)

L.Lawson · 1324

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on: January 01, 2020, 06:46:08 PM
I have been asked to post a request from Tra here. Tra and his family are in need of some help please read the info from Tra and please help if you can.
Tra is a good friend and even better person.

Hey – I am trying one last time to get some final donations for dad before the end of the week. I have posted an update on FB and Twitter but can you send this out on your end to coaches, officials, etc that you have that may be willing to help out? Thank you for everything.

Hello everyone, I haven't been on here much as I am still reeling from mom's sudden passing; and since I am averaging about 3 hours of sleep each day I am sitting here on the computer in the early AM.

There are not enough words to express the appreciation and gratitude that our family has for everyone single person that has reached out to us, brought us meals, made monetary donations and helped in any way possible to get us back on our feet. It is impossible to think right now that this giant hole will ever heal for us. Growing up with just Dad, Mom, and me, we did everything together; just the three of us...attached at the hip so-to-say. The continuing thought that the three of us will never have that same experience again and that Lily will miss out on those adventures with Nana keeps me wide awake.

I have been staying quite busy trying to keep my mind from dwelling on the loss by keeping my dad positive and trying to do as much as I can to help him get everything worked out. I have been acting as his lawyer, CPA, psychologist, spiritual consultant, friend, sounding board, and personal assistant throughout this entire ordeal.

I am worried about him and worried that 46 years' worth of memories, sudden loss of continuous companionship, and debilitating concern of his finances is going to lead him down a precarious path. Victoria, Lily, and I are doing what we can to provide him with all of the companionship, positive thoughts, and financial support that we can provide.

As our family closes out this decidedly somber end to 2019, I am selflessly pleading a final time that if you have the means and can afford to help out a broken man, a man that gave up every personal aspiration and and sacrificed innumerably to ensure that I would have every chance to succeed and grow into the man I am today; please donate to help him get through this dark period with the knowledge that even though mom's social security payments have ceased, there is enough money available to provide for his rent, bills, fuel, medical expenses, groceries for the next few months.

Needless to say, the generosity of those of you who have already provided so much can never be adequately thanked. If you don't mind, please share this with your friends, co-workers, or any person you think could be in a position to help a family in need.

If you are receiving this, you each mean a great deal to me and my family and I hope that one day I can support you in a time of need to give you a helping hand to get back on your feet. You are forever in my heart and this means more than you will ever know.

Thank you and God bless.


Click the link below to go to the go fund me page.