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Expanding the Regional Wrestling Bracket to 20 Wrestlers

Longdayrunner · 1251

Offline Longdayrunner

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With the following NFHS Rule change starting next year:


ART. 3 . . . No wrestler shall represent the school in more than one weight class in any meet or wrestle in more than five matches (championship or consolation), excluding forfeits in any one day of competition.
Exception: No wrestler shall wrestle in more than six matches (championship or consolation), excluding forfeits in any one day of a tournament conducted by the state high school association for qualification to the state high school championships or the championships themselves.

Rationale: There have been a number of rule change proposals over the last several years asking for the maximum number of competitions allowed per day to be increased from five to six. Most of the concern that has been shared over the years in the NFHS Wrestling Forum centered around the extreme number of matches some wrestlers accumulate over the course of a season in states where there are few limitations on competitions. Since this experiment would only allow six matches per day to be wrestled in the postseason qualifying tournament or state championship event, the impact on the total number of matches that an individual wrestles in an entire season would be very minimal. For the majority of participants, this rule would never come into play. Increasing the number of matches from five to six would allow postseason tournaments with more than 8 competitors in a weight class to complete the tournament in one day. This would be a substantial help for post-season qualifying tournaments and state championship events where travel can be extreme. In many cases, this would eliminate the need for schools to stay overnight in order to participate in their respective state qualifying tournaments and state championship events.
Editor’s Note: This rule change was supported by an experiment conducted by the TSSAA. The research was favorable by coaches and officials.],coaches%20and%20officials.%5D

Why could not the Regional Wrestling Brackets be expanded to a total of 20 wrestlers per bracket?


Offline Coach Atwood

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Reply #1 on: July 01, 2021, 07:58:13 PM
Expanding the regional to 20 is not needed.  Many times the brackets at 16 aren't full so going to 20 would create even more byes.  I'm not opposed to this by the way I just don't think it's needed.   

Offline jobelk

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Reply #2 on: July 02, 2021, 03:52:49 PM
There will be 29 teams in the 4a Midwest next year so expanding to 20 doesn’t to much good.  I believe either you let all the wrestlers in or leave it at 16

Jamie Belk

Piedmont Wrestling