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Wrestling Comments on the Rules - 2021-22

Longdayrunner · 1051

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on: October 27, 2021, 01:43:47 PM
Wrestling Comments on the Rules - 2021-22

By NFHS on October 18, 2021

Clarified when a wrestler can wrestle more than five matches in state association series for qualification to state championships or the actual state championships (1-4-3 Exception) — Increasing the number of matches from five to six would allow postseason tournaments with more than eight competitors in a weight class to complete the tournament in one day. This would be a substantial help for post-season qualifying tournaments and state championship events where travel can be extreme. In many cases, this would eliminate the need for schools to stay overnight in order to participate in their respective state qualifying tournaments and state championship events.

Established weight classifications for girls. Modified that state associations shall select one of three (12, 13, 14) available weight classifications (4-4-1a) — We have more member state associations (30) sponsoring girls wrestling and providing an equal number of uniform weight classifications is now necessary. Each state association shall select one of the three sets (12, 13, 14) of listed weight classes for girls. This rule goes into effect July 1, 2023.

Modified the weight classifications for boys. Modified that state associations shall select one of three (12, 13, 14) available weight classifications (4-4-1b) — Due to fluctuating demographics of our student enrollment, states have indicated the need to have flexibility in their weight classification offerings. Each state association shall select one of the three sets (12, 13, 14) of listed weight classes for boys. This rule goes into effect July 1, 2023.

Modified the required length of socks (4-5-7) — With the 2020 rule change allowing wrestlers to weigh-in while wearing a legal school uniform; the requirement of low-cut socks to see all necessary skin is no longer necessary. Any length socks should be acceptable to wear during weigh-in as long as it does not affect the opponent’s ability to grasp the leg, foot to apply a hold or facilitate a maneuver.

Deleted how a stalling penalty during bad time affects the restart (5-1-1e) — The sub-article is no longer needed due to the 2020 NFHS Rule 8-2 change.

Modified how a head, neck, cervical column and/or nervous system (HNC) injury timeout is an exception and cannot be voided during bad time (5-1-3f) — With the addition of a head/neck/cervical injury time-out definition and separate injury rule, this addition is needed to accommodate the modification of this injury time-out rule as it relates to bad time.

Clarified that recovery time should not constitute a HNC time-out (5-28-3) — This rule change is added to differentiate that recovery time is not partnered with the head/neck/ cervical injury time-out.

Modified the definition that a head, neck, cervical column and/or nervous system (HNC) injury is a separate time-out (5-28-6) — This rule establishes a separate injury time-out that involves the head and neck involving the cervical column and/or nervous system and not extend the existing two (2) 1½ minute injury time-outs or any other stoppage of the match. This separate time-out is supported and covered in an existing rule that gives the referee the authority to observe signs, symptoms and behaviors of a concussion and respond appropriately.

Clarified the various reasons that the match is stopped (6-4-3) — This rule establishes a separate injury time-out that involves the head and neck involving the cervical column and/ or nervous system. This is one of the five occurrences that a referee would stop a match.

Clarified that a head, neck, cervical column and/or nervous system (HNC) injury is covered under Rule 8-2-4a (8-2-4b1) — This separate time-out is supported and covered in existing rules that gives the referee the authority to observe signs, symptoms and behaviors of a concussion and respond accordingly.

Clarified that an appropriate health-care professional will have time to evaluate a head, neck, cervical column and/or nervous system (HNC) injury (8-2-4b2) — This rule identifies that an appropriate health-care professional who is present will have five (5) minutes to evaluate an injured wrestler who exhibits the signs, symptoms and behaviors of a concussion to determine if he/she can continue to wrestle.

Modified when a head, neck, cervical column and/or nervous system (HNC) injury occurs, who is permitted to be on the wrestling mat caring for the injured wrestler (8-2-6) — This rule reorders the various injury time-outs while adding a separate injury time-out of the head, neck involving the cervical column and /or nervous system (HNC).

Modified when a match is stopped for a head, neck, cervical column and/or nervous system (HNC) injury and near-fall is added as a scoring situation, it is a separate time-out (8-2-9) — Identifies when a match is stopped for an injury. Another scoring opportunity has been added; if the referee determines that scoring would have occurred prior to the injury.