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No fans at Wake County high school sports competitions; STUNT season canceled

Longdayrunner · 1512

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No fans at Wake County high school sports competitions; STUNT season canceled

Posted November 6, 2020 10:14 a.m. EST

RALEIGH, N.C. — When high school sports competitions begin later this month, spectators will not be allowed to attend them at Wake County schools.

According to guidance released by the school district, spectators will not be permitted to attend practices or competitions until further notice. The decision is in an effort to mitigate the risk of COVID-19.

"We understand that parents want to see their student-athletes compete. However, our top priority will always be the health and safety of our community," the school district said. "Reducing the potential for COVID-19 cases related to athletics increases the chances that we will be able to continue athletic activities this school year so that our students can participate."

Wake County schools has installed cameras in all of its high school gyms and outdoor stadiums to allow for online live streaming of events, which will allow parents and fans to watch remotely. The district said it is also looking at options to stream events at other venues.

In addition, the school district announced the cancellations of the STUNT season. STUNT is a girls spring sport in Wake County.

The decision to cancel STUNT centered around the sport being close contact, thereby increasing the risk of COVID-19 spread, but also due to an expected shortage of athletes.

"Most STUNT athletes also participate in cheerleading, and the compressed athletics schedule would create an overlap in the seasons, which would not allow adequate time ot safely prepare to participate," the district said.

Wake County school has also canceled its annual track & field championship and cheerleading championship scheduled for 2021.